25th - "Blessing of the Bikers" Event to help Ms. Christi Hudak
28th - Speaker from the Gideons
28th - Children's swim party after church
7th - Wednesday Bible Study resumes
22nd- Jay Mac testimony
29th - Roller Arena children's outing after church 1pm-3pm
20th - Fall Festival 5:30-7:30 all are welcome!
Worship Times Sunday Morning Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship service 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study and meal Meal - 5:45pm Bible Study classes - 6:30 - 7:30pm To be included in the meal call or text Teresa by Monday at 865-826-0278 Cost is $5 per person, but no more then $20 a family. Bible Study classes for kids, youth, women, men, and anyone.